Merry Christmas!
On Thursday night we celebrated our Froemming Four Christmas with the Christmas Eve Eve service at Hope, followed by opening gifts at home. Dana had to work that day, so the girls baked and decorated a birthday cake for Jesus and we quickly ate dinner when Dana got home before we headed off to church.
Friday morning we took off for Hurdsfield, stopping in Carrington for lunch at my parents'.
I got a kick out of this Halloween in ND book my mom had.
We attended Christmas Eve service in Chaseley. It was a beautiful service, with Elise playing the piano and Reagan, Ben, Oliver and Clara as part of the Nativity. 
We knew it was going to be a bit of a melancholy Christmas this year, missing Grandma Darlene. We didn't know we'd also be missing Shelly celebrating with us as she ended up in the hospital in Carrington. Thankfully, she was released and is back home safe now.
Clara had had a loose tooth for a couple of weeks. She was showing me how loose it had gotten when it just popped out of her mouth! We wondered if the Tooth Fairy would run into Santa during the night.
As anticipated, Oliver, Clara and Ben were up first on Christmas morning. Then waited patiently for the older kids to join them to open Santa gifts. Ben attempted to wake Brynn, but she was pretty tired, so we let her sleep and she woke up later in the morning to open her gifts.
Dad was checking out Brynn's book from Santa.
I was so disappointed - I got too tired during our own little family Christmas celebration and fell asleep on the couch after we opened gifts. I had wanted to go on our walking Christmas lights tour with Brynn and eat the birthday cake. So, last night we did the cake.
We started on our Christmas vacation bucket list yesterday, but things really stalled with a blizzard that came through for today's plans. No matter! We're glad just to be home together.