Brynn has been making mug cakes lately - so yummy.
A couple of weekends ago Elise came to stay with us - both girls had so much fun hanging with her.
They watched Cinderella, I think it was, in Brynn's room.
They made a really yummy apple spice snack cake that didn't last very long around here.
That same weekend Adria was over to play too.

The planetarium at MSUM (my old alma mater!) was holding a space show and I know how much Clara loves space, so we took that in one Sunday afternoon. She had already been to the planetarium once with her class and has been wanting to go back.

Old Brynn. :-)
My sister captures the most amazing photos of the Northern Lights. 😍
Got my co-workers good for April Fools. 😂
Clara trying to serve Dad his coffee on Saturday morning.
Brynn's cooking session of her FACS (Family and Consumer Sciences) class wrapped up and now they will be moving onto sewing after a career section. They did make quite a few good recipes, including this pretzel.
Clara was sad on Sunday afternoon because her friends were busy, so Brynn was comforting her.
So, the three of us went to the playground at Clara's school to play after dinner.
Ha - not sure what that face was for.
Playing 'Magic.'
My new fav pic of Brynn - except that she looks so old. :-(
Clara made some brownies from her cookbook.
My morning exercise group has a Facebook group and since it's Prom season, we were sharing our past prom pics. I remember this gem well!
And here it is again! We dressed up in our formal wear for our dance class on Wednesday morning. I didn't last too long in the dress before I had to shed it and just wear my normal work out clothes that I had on underneath.
Oh man, I hear all about the game Magic on the playground at our school, too.
Brynn does look so grown-up in that photo! Love Clara's fleece pullover, so cute.
I remember that prom dress! You're still beautiful as ever!