On Saturday Mama and Papa got to give Brynn a bath for the first time! She didn't even make a fuss, so it was a lot of fun. Papa even washed her hair. And Mama brushed it, so she looked all pretty! It's difficult to maneuver while she's in her incubator, but hopefully that won't be for too much longer.
She is gaining weight now and still eating very well. Yesterday they took her off her bili blanket that she had been on for her jaundice. We will wait to find out what her bilirubin was at today to see if she would have to go back on it. Hopefully she will be good to go without it though. It is so much nicer holding her without it on. And it was hard to see her with those "sunglasses" that she had to wear.
Seeing all the other babies that are in the NICU, it just makes us so grateful that Brynn is doing so well. God has really given us such a blessing, and we couldn't ask for anything better. She is absolutely a sweetheart. Thank you for everyone's thoughts and love! And thank you to all of those who are praying for Brynn. We appreciate it so much!

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Connie Carlsrud