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Staph Infection

Sorry to pictures this time! I think this is the first time I've posted just text on her blog since she was born! Anyway, just thought I'd do an update on Brynn's health issues for the week. Her croup seems to be getting better. She is just coughing now, but not wheezing anymore. The last day of her steroids is tomorrow...just in time to start antibiotics for a staph infection! Remember the "raging diaper rash?" Well, that resulted in a staph infection in her diaper area. Poor 'lil thing. Hopefully this will all clear up soon.

I've gotten a few calls and e-mails from family members as a result of yesterday's post, so thanks for all your concern and support for Brynn! We do appreciate everyone thinking of her. I'm sure she'll be all better soon.

And she did get quite a few valentines today. So, I'm off to go raid the candy stash!

Also, if you are bored and really looking for some reading material, here is a short list of the germfest we encountered at the walk-in clinic tonight during our wait...

1. Musical Table/Toy. (Brynn has one at home and LOVES it. So, she immediately recognized this right away and tried to get over to it. Mean Mama wouldn't let her touch the germ-ridden thing, though. It didn't even look clean!)

2. They have a fish tank in the waiting area. Brynn also loves to watch the fish...and touch her hand to the glass; not unlike the 300 sick kids prior to her. :-P

3. Random girl with a cast on hobbled over to us with one of those freaky soft-quilled squishy balls (sorry, that's my best description) and tried to give it to me. It had a hair on it. Later I saw her put it in her mouth. Ack!

4. Same random girl hobbles over and pulls out Brynn's sippy cup from our diaper bag by the spout and proceeds to put her lips on it! Double ack!

5. She threw three toys on the floor.

Sorry; not to rag on medical facilities. We need them! It was just too many humorous germy encounters not to share. Thanks for humoring me.


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