It was time again to make the annual Nancy's Kid Company daycare trip to Yunker Farm! This time Grandma Holly was able to come along, too. Tonight Brynn told me her favorite parts were the train ride and carousel.

This is Alicia, one of the helper girls at Nancy's. If we walk out together when I pick Brynn up, Brynn always says she wants to go home with 'Aweesha.' :-)

The whole gang...and then some. Two of the girls recently switched daycare, but missed everyone so much, they wanted to come and join in on the Yunker Farm outing. The older boy is Nancy's son. And one of the other boys 'graduated' out of the daycare and is in 1st grade now. He is a sibling to one of the other boys. So, there are 9 in the core group total. (Click on this pic to view it larger. It ended up kind of small here.)

This is Alicia, one of the helper girls at Nancy's. If we walk out together when I pick Brynn up, Brynn always says she wants to go home with 'Aweesha.' :-)

The whole gang...and then some. Two of the girls recently switched daycare, but missed everyone so much, they wanted to come and join in on the Yunker Farm outing. The older boy is Nancy's son. And one of the other boys 'graduated' out of the daycare and is in 1st grade now. He is a sibling to one of the other boys. So, there are 9 in the core group total. (Click on this pic to view it larger. It ended up kind of small here.)