Happy Halloween! Brynn had a great Halloween again this year. On Monday we made Halloween cut-out cookies. On Friday she came to Mama's work for a little party there. Then, of course, today we did trick-or-treating. She'd be all set to say "trick or treat!" when we got to each house, but then clammed up once the door opened. Oh well - at least she'd usually tell them Happy Halloween. When we got back from trick-or-treating, she helped hand out the candy.

Watching Toy Story. She is VERY into Toy Story right now and asks me all the time to watch it. We have it rented from the video store; it was supposed to be back two days ago...I'm afraid of the upheaval once we take that thing back.

Watching Toy Story. She is VERY into Toy Story right now and asks me all the time to watch it. We have it rented from the video store; it was supposed to be back two days ago...I'm afraid of the upheaval once we take that thing back.
