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Showing posts from August, 2014

First Day of 1st Grade

First day of school was a success! It started out great with Brynn's excitement from yesterday continuing into this morning as we got ready and made our way into the classroom. However, five minutes prior to class starting, when I was about to head out, she clung on to me when I gave her a hug and started sobbing. :-( I was not surprised, as she would still do that to me some of the time when I'd drop her off at Hope, but I guess I was hoping it wouldn't happen today. There were a lot of extra staff helping in the halls and around the school this morning, and I was so grateful for the one who saw me struggling and came over to offer her help so I could escape and Brynn could calm down and join her class in the first day. I knew she would be just fine as soon as the day got underway, but it is still so hard for me when she does that. I accidentally went the wrong direction out of her classroom, and ended up having to walk back past her room to leave. When I did so I could s...

Ready for School

Last night was Meet The Teacher night at Centennial. Mrs. Stewart is Brynn's first grade teacher and seems super nice. Brynn discovered that her good friend Lily is in her class this year, along with a couple of other girls whom she befriended in Kindergarten. After meeting her teacher in person and seeing familiar faces, Brynn became more excited to start school. She had been saying she wasn't very excited up until now, as she was nervous meeting new friends and thought school might be too hard. I'm glad and relieved that she is looking forward to this school year. In fact, you can see for yourself how excited she is by watching this video. :-) Brynn's Video Selfie  She is always taking pictures and video of herself.  After the school festivities, we were then on to Penny's (Brynn's piano teacher) for the Treasure Hunt. The current theme at lessons is pirates. Each year she does a back-to-school get-together, so this year she had a treasure hunt in her bac...

Summer Fun

Today Brynn had her dental check-up. She did a great job and we found out the good news of no cavities! Brynn wanted to remember to ask the dentist if he thought she had any loose teeth yet. She has been patiently waiting to lose her first tooth, especially after cousin Reagan and her friends have all started to lose theirs. The dentist thought he did feel one starting to wiggle a little, but that it would likely be at least another six months until it actually came out.   Family portrait Brynn drew of us playing ball at the beach.  I had bought Brynn some jazzy new sidewalk chalk that was rainbow. Last night when she was outside playing with it, she mentioned she wanted to make sidewalk chalk paint. So, we took to Pinterest today to find the 'recipe' for it which turned out was just water and cornstarch and then food coloring. She seemed pretty pleased with out it turned out. The only disappointment was we burned through my cornstarch pretty quickly, so we could only...

Two-week Check-up

This morning Brynn and I took Clara into the clinic for her two-week check-up. She is doing great! After going down to about 5 lbs 10 oz, she has surpassed her birth weight of 6 lbs 6 oz, and is now up to 7 lbs. She does like to eat, which is great. She has also grown an inch since birth.  She likes to give us some good smiles already which we are all eating up. They have been very hard to catch on camera though. Usually it's after she's eaten and we're holding her -so I don't typically have my camera in hand, or even my phone nearby at times.  She found her fingers. Ha. She thought they would hold her over when we took a burp break. Snoozy Suzie at it again.

Fun With Brynn

Brynn was at the other grandparents' on Saturday for an overnight visit and came back today. Tonight it was pretty nice outside, so Daddy and Brynn took up a game of Frisbee in the backyard. This past week Daddy took Brynn to pick out some new shoes for school. She has been practicing her shoelace tying ever since, and has gotten it down pretty well. How she tries to catch the Frisbee.  I think I can see that her eyes are closed. Ha. Well, who would have thunk that you'd find excitement in the central air unit? :-)  She thought it was amazing how the air was blowing out the top and would raise up the Frisbee.

Clara Rae Photo Shoot

I have been trying to find a good time to do a little photo shoot session with Clara so I could work on sending out birth announcements. That time finally came yesterday. She was pretty cooperative once she konked out. You can see on her stomach and hands she has some dry skin. It doesn't seem to bother her, though, so I am thinking it looks worse than it feels hopefully. My little angel baby. :-) This was at the tail end of a smile.