Today Brynn had her dental check-up. She did a great job and we found out the good news of no cavities! Brynn wanted to remember to ask the dentist if he thought she had any loose teeth yet. She has been patiently waiting to lose her first tooth, especially after cousin Reagan and her friends have all started to lose theirs. The dentist thought he did feel one starting to wiggle a little, but that it would likely be at least another six months until it actually came out.
Family portrait Brynn drew of us playing ball at the beach. |
I had bought Brynn some jazzy new sidewalk chalk that was rainbow. Last night when she was outside playing with it, she mentioned she wanted to make sidewalk chalk paint. So, we took to Pinterest today to find the 'recipe' for it which turned out was just water and cornstarch and then food coloring. She seemed pretty pleased with out it turned out. The only disappointment was we burned through my cornstarch pretty quickly, so we could only make a couple of colors.
Another beautiful evening out tonight: