Brynn has been pretty excited that we've been getting some snow; though she does look pretty serious here, waiting for the bus.
Last weekend we went to Hurdsfield so Dana could go deer hunting. Unfortunately Chad was still finishing harvesting, so Dana hunted with Chad's uncle and cousins. He did get a doe on Sunday morning. Tessa and I had a great time staying up too late chatting and the girls all had fun playing together...and Benjamin, too. :-)
We made a stop on the way through at the Pizza Ranch to eat with Grandpa and Grandma. |
Playing dress up and coloring at Auntie and Uncle's house. |
Always happy and smiling. She mauled her head, poor thing. |
On Saturday night there was a Family Fun Night in Hurdsfield to raise money for the community. They served dinner and had games and prizes for the kids. It was really fun.
Brynn has been looking at this Play-doh dentist set on YouTube lately and lo and behold they had it to play with at the Play-doh table! I didn't think she was going to leave that thing to play any games so she could get some prizes. |
Elise getting in on some Play-doh action, too. |
She did end up winning a couple prize sets which were really awesome. One of them was a Play-doh extruder that she picked out. |
Our little busy bee. She was trying so hard to roll over here, and finally she just got really still. She must have worn herself out trying to roll over and she fell asleep there for a loooong time. She is so active, always trying to sit up and roll over. |
Bedtime stories. |
Was great to see you all.