If you can't spot me, I am Minnie Mouse below with my co-workers. We had a costume contest and I won second place with my get-up. Willie from Duck Dynasty in the middle there got first. It was fun to see what everyone came up with for costumes. Again this year they had the kids come later in the day to trick-or-treat. Dana brought the girls over. Clara fell asleep on the ride over and slept through the whole thing.
We grabbed a pizza on our way home and ate quickly because Brynn's friends Lilly and Rosha came over to trick-or-treat with her. Daddy and Clara stayed behind to hand out candy since it was so cold out.
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The bumble bee (Lilly), the bat (Brynn) and the witch (Rosha) |
Our first stop was our neighbors directly across the street from us. They are so nice; we always look forward to stopping over there on Halloween. And maybe they look forward to it, too, I guess. Brad's wife came up to the door after Brad handed out the candy and told us that Brynn is the only one Brad cares about stopping. He told her they can just turn off their lights after she stops. He he.
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This family is at the other end of our block and always has great decorations. I got to pet their cute black and white kitty when we stopped here. |
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Rodney's house. We didn't get to see him when we were there this year, though. |
We made it out for about 40 minutes or so. I think I was the first one to cave and get cold. So we came back and they sorted through the loot and sampled the best items. (The pictures look weird because my camera lens had fogged up coming in from the cold).
West Acres always has a Halloween Trick-or-Treat event, but we had never been to it before. When Rosha's parents dropped her off to go trick-or-treating, they invited Brynn to go to West Acres with them. Ali (Rosha's dad) said Rosha was in tears because she wanted Brynn to come with her to the mall so badly. Awww. It was so nice of them to invite Brynn along. And Ali posted some pictures on Facebook, so I stole them for the blog. Brynn didn't even tell me Mickey Mouse was there!
After Brynn got back from the mall, we bundled Clara up and went back over to Brad's house across the street so Clara could at least make it to one house. And they had not yet met her, so we thought it would be a good time for that, too.
She fell asleep while we were over there. She looks like a little fishy washed up on shore here. Ha.
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Some of the loot. She is reading one of the Halloween cards she received. This one was from Great Grandma Darlene. |
Today we lounged around home. Brynn feasted on her Halloween candy all day. She wanted so badly to help me with Clara's baptism cake last weekend, but I didn't get a very early start on it on Saturday night and it was time for her to go to bed, so she only got to help me for a little bit. I had promised her that I'd save the tops I had trimmed off and the leftover frosting for her to mess around with this weekend. So, that she did today. She had quite the blast. She has watched a lot of YouTube videos for cake decorating and such, so she always wants to decorate cupcakes and cakes with my frosting tips. It was fun to see what she came up with.
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Making a sun. |
I had put Clara down for a nap and really wanted to get a shower in, and I was a wee bit nervous about leaving Brynn with all this frosting mess while I showered. I went for it, though, and came out to this little creation. I was so impressed with her flower!
...which then turned into this, whatever that might be.
My best friend Amanda and her baby Adria came over for a visit this afternoon. The babies had fun playing together.
And now we have this...thing. Daddy's winter project...or at least that's what he calls it. Brynn was pretty excited and even was out there one evening helping Daddy.