Rough week apparently! This was last Friday. The girls are usually pretty tuckered out by the end of the week.
More snoozing. Clara taking a nap last Saturday with her fav buddy, Roger.
Meanwhile Brynn had her friend Belle over to play.
Grandpa and Grandma Froemming were staying at a motel for their annual shopping trip up to Fargo with friends, so they invited us to come swim. The girls had such a fun time. Clara even went down the slide all by herself. She scooted down so quickly I barely was able to catch her there at the end. Brynn was pretty excited, clearly. ;-)
Small group in Sunday School with just these two. They shared lots of giggles taking turns drawing parts of Jesus' face blindfolded. (The lesson, as you may have guessed, was when Jesus healed the blind man.)
Grandpa and Grandma took the girls out on a walk on Sunday with new hats they bought for them. It was so nice outside. I heard they were pretty mystified with the city drains here. Ha.
Finally we got around to celebrating Grandma Holly's birthday which was back at the beginning of the month.
Brynn thought she was turning 50..hence her hand signals there. ;-)
More swimming. It took me to the end of this session to snap any pics of the girls at swimming lessons. That's because Clara is of the age where she is only eligible to be in parent-child classes, so she and I were basically taking lessons together. She did so great and I didn't even get into the water for the last lesson on Wednesday; she just swam around all on her own with the teacher. She really picked up on all the lessons the instructor asked her to do. She and I will take a break for this next session and watch Brynn with the thought that maybe we'll do the session again after this next one. Each session is six weeks.
Brynn did an excellent job as well. It had been six years since she had taken lessons last! We had
quit at the time as she ended up just refusing to get into the water and we didn't want to force it. Then she had tried gymnastics and then later was concentrating on her piano lessons for the past few years. Her piano teacher has been battling some health problems and took a break from lessons for a couple of months. I had wanted to introduce Clara to swimming lessons and thought it would be a good time then with the piano break to get Brynn back in the water as well. The unfortunate thing about her long hiatus was that she had to pick back up where she left off when she was three which meant she would return to Level II where, of course, she would be with other three-year-old kids. She didn't mind, though, and really gained confidence throughout this session. She is excited to go on to the next session. I'm so happy with the difference in her attitude since the last time we did lessons.
Proud of our fishies!
-AN ; )