We started out our Christmas Vacation Bucket List with a sleepover in the family room. The next morning was "Morning Movie" and the girls chose to watch "The Polar Express." On Wednesday we went to Space Aliens and then onto Skate City. This space ship is Clara's fav thing at Space Aliens. Brynn won 1000 tickets on this game alone. She ended up with about 1600 total, I think, and chose an expandable hard plastic ball. We only last so long at Skate City since we girls always poop out before Daddy. I had gotten Dana a new set of inline skates for Christmas so he was happy to try those out. Not sure where she gets her poses from. Ha. We also held our Gingerbread House contest (thank you to those who were called upon to vote!). Dana and Clara were a team and emerged the winners. Brynn won last year and I think expected to win again this year. She sure doesn't like to lose. :-) We have been checking off most of our ...
This is a blog of pictures and updates about our family, posted by Mama Tara.