Cousin Camp 2019 kicked off last Friday the 28th at Auntie Tessa's house. I loved our camp t-shirts this year.
We had 19 campers this year which was record attendance!
Everyone went around and introduced themselves and said what their favorite candy was.
First off was decorating camp shirts.
Next up was the Chopped Junior type challenge. Theresa, Cody and I were the judges.

This one was just for the older kids who where split up into four teams. They had five minutes to collaborate on their plan and one minute to go into the kitchen for any additional ingredients they wanted to use. They were all given pre-cooked fajita chicken, lemons, goat cheese and peppers that they had to incorporate into their final dishes.
All the dishes were creative and tasty. We were really impressed with what they put together. Brynn and Sierra's team won with their breakfast burrito. It was excellent!
The littler kids put together Little Critter sandwiches featuring chips, pickles, marshmallows and chocolate syrup from the 'Bye-bye, Mom and Dad' book from the series. Several of them were brave and tasted their creations.
More tasty treats by way of a ten-foot-long ice cream sundae served up in a gutter! Tessa had this spectacular idea that consisted of two gallons of ice cream! It was so fun.

Winding down on the first day with fireside chats.

Day Two...or rather the second half of the 24 hours. :-)

The campers made family jump ropes and decorated door hangers and bookmarks.
Time for the group the rain. :-/ They were still happy campers, though. Probably because we hadn't gotten to the fear factor food challenge yet.
This year's line-up of delicacies included horseradish, Jacked Doritos, Limburger cheese, sardines, unsweetened chocolate, natto (fermented soybeans), sauerkraut and more.
Again this year Cayden, Sierra, Kota and Taelen powered through almost all the foods and Cayden and Sierra, I think it was, ended up winning again.
The younger kids weren't super excited about this activity and opted for a book with Tia.
Another Cousin Camp fav. This one always cracks me up.
We headed back home on Saturday, but stopped in Carrington on the way through to visit Grandpa and Grandma and hit up the Hi-way Drive-in.
The girls were trying out a bike they found at Grandpa and Grandma's. haha.