Brynn made some personalized decorations for Clara's lamp. Brynn is still a huge Harry Potter fan. She wanted to write to one of her favorite actresses from the movie, Emma Watson, who plays Hermione. She thought she was able to find her address on the internet somewhere. She keeps telling me how she thinks about her letter every day and wonders when she might receive a reply back. I was hoping she wouldn't get her hopes up too high about getting something in return, but she said she's not. So, we shall see! Clara was working on multiplication one morning last week. Brynn repainted one of her old bird houses. The girls were playing this game of sorts where they had to draw blindfolded. Together with our next-door neighbor, Dana rented this rig and cut down some dead trees between our properties. I think he had the time of his life that day. He's been able to get a lot of outside projects done and things cleaned up in his time off. He r...
This is a blog of pictures and updates about our family, posted by Mama Tara.