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Easter 2020

Our church was streaming the Maundy Thursday service at 6:00 pm however we weren't quite finished up with dinner to watch live. So, we replayed the video at 7:00 pm, ready with our wine and bread to self-distribute our communion. It was a very different experience, but not a bad one. It did have a close, special feeling to it to take communion at home.

Saturday we did our egg hunt outside since it seemed that was going to be the nicer of the two days between that and Sunday. It was pretty chilly, but the girls moved quickly and found all the eggs...I think!

In the afternoon we did our egg dyeing.

Clara banged one of her eggs a little bit too forcefully onto the table and it cracked up pretty good.

Big sister exchanged one of hers to replace Clara's cracked up one. All was well again and Clara wanted to taste one of hers.

Nope! Ha. She said she liked the white part, but not the yellow.

Clara helped me bake an Oreo cheesecake that we were going to serve for our Easter dinner.

Playing with baby Isla and wearing the new shirt cousin Reagan made for her. :-) Brynn told me tonight that after all day of Clara chattering on about her baby Isla on Sunday, she asked Brynn..."I don't remember my baby's name. Do you, Brynn?" Haha. Brynn asked her, "isn't her name Isla?" Clara confirmed indeed that was her name.

Saturday evening was time again for another round of trivia. The topics covered were fast food logos, US history and candy with a bonus round of Seinfeld candy trivia!

Daddy came in from the garage to help our team, Ferocious Froemmings. Though this picture portrays that weren't very with it, we did win again! Thank you, again, to Tessa for organizing another fun trivia night!

Sunday morning after our 9:30 am church service via our couch, we made an Easter brunch.

...while video chatting with our friends, the Lunds.

Clara channeling the Easter Bunny...while still chatting with Roger (note phone in front of the utensil holder by the paper towels).

I had seen this recipe for "cinna bunnies" that Rhodes had posted pop up in my Instagram account, so I had to try it out.

It was pretty questionable when we were putting them together to bake, but once we frosted them and put on their features, they were pretty cute. And super tasty.

The girls were really patient with finding their baskets in the morning and waited to hunt for them all the way until after brunch.

Brynn was really excited about her Harry Potter origami book and tried out a few right away.

Trying to get the tripod set up for a family picture. We all decided we would put on nice(er) clothes for our Easter dinner. It was the first time I've had normal clothes in I don't even know how long! (And, wow, Brynn really looks tall in this picture. She didn't even have shoes on.)

Take five was the winner! :-)

Video chatting with Grandpa and Grandma Froemming. We were eventually able to patch in Uncle John and Auntie Christel too.

My weird-looking cheesecake. It tasted really good though!

We got all cleaned up after dinner in time for Brynn to host her Harry Potter trivia. She spent all afternoon putting together the questions from a trivia set she already had here at home. Thanks to everyone who participated! I think she had a bit of a technical difficulty with our internet, but it was so fun to see what she had organized for it!

Clara had been wanting to watch the original animated Lion King movie, so I told her she could watch that while Dad and Brynn did the Harry Potter trivia. It is probably one of my least favorite Disney movies, so I told her I'd put it on for her, help Brynn get set up and running with her trivia, and then join her for some of the movie. I was hoping to sit down AFTER the part where Simba's dad dies, but it just so happened that I plopped down right as the scene was beginning. :-( You can even see on Clara's face that she didn't think too much of that part either.

The girls made these kind of stained glass Easter eggs a couple of days ago. I snapped this pic quick with my cell phone, so it doesn't look the best, but the sunset was really pretty Sunday evening.

My only meme for this post... courtesy of my sister. Must. Sit. In. The. Back! hahaha.

Along with everyone else celebrating, our Easter looked a bit different this year, but the silver lining seemed to be that we were really able to slow down to enjoy more of the moments and memories we were making throughout the weekend and both girls seemed to be more focused on Jesus rather than the Easter Bunny than ever before. Clara was reciting the story to us Sunday morning and we so much enjoyed our brunch. Sadly, our main Easter dinner later in the day was a bit underwhelming with dry rolls, cheesy potatoes that only Dana ate and subpar ham. Oh well! It was only one part of our day and we enjoyed the rest. Of course we missed spending time with extended family to celebrate together, but know that next year will be back to what we're used to. We hope everyone still had a wonderful Easter.


Weckerly Farms said…
Those cinnabunnies are the cutest!! Happy Easter, Froemmings!

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