Here's the latest from the quarantine life...
I think Clara was making a to-do list one day.
And then she invited Dad to a tea party...
True statement:
An update on Dana's furlough: He received the call on Thursday that he will return to work (from home) on May 4th. I think he felt good knowing a return date, even though he would still be furloughed for another two weeks.
I'm happy for him and so grateful for this time that he and Clara have had together and for the next two weeks. I will take the next 14 days to get my headphones ready for office sharing again.
I would sometimes mix up one of my PB Fit shakes to take to work for a snack, back ages ago when I was going to my actual office. Brynn got into them and makes one every afternoon.
'Snapease,' I guess is how you would spell what's going on here. At least this is how it sounds when they ask each other every night after dinner...'wanna play snapease?' :-) This basically entails hurling themselves off of the kitchen stools into the living room while donning their swimsuits. And cranking Disney tunes to ear-bleeding levels. It's about that time that I hightail it outside for a myself. :-)
Also, Clara loves to look at herself in the mirror from her perch. :-)
Their expressions while they were dancing were hilarious and highly entertaining.
They both have these little spray bottles that they use when they're doing their Barbie's hair and such. But, Clara just randomly sprays hers everywhere and in her armpits too. Ha.
This one just makes me smile. I can't remember what was so funny.
Out on my walk in Briarwood. Not sure if you can see all the deer on the left. They're so cute.
Brynn made the domed rose with the petals falling from 'The Beauty and the Beast' out of LEGOs.
And she made some sandcastle creations.
Making one of our favs on Friday night: calzones! The girls were working on their dough tossing skills.
This week's trivia night's theme was 'family.' Tessa did another bang-up job putting together this week's questions. And, I'm excited to report we are still reigning champs!
For the first time in all of this, Clara was upset on Friday night after we were done with trivia and were still video chatting with everyone because she just wanted to give Grandpa and Grandma a real hug. It was so heartbreaking. She will often talk about when Grandpa and Grandma Froemming stopped by several weeks ago to drop some stuff off, and they were only able to give a wave to them. Brynn says that's the hardest part for her, is not being able to see family and friends. Hopefully soon. We miss you all. 💓
The Fargo Police Department created this video and posted it on social media. I love the original version of S&G singing this song, but this version is still good and the song is so fitting for the video. They did such a great job with it. I love Fargo and wanted to share it on here for a memory keeper. I think it sums up all the emotions of the pandemic and staying at home - it's sad seeing all the emptiness of the places Fargo is known for, but heartwarming to see the signs of love and support, too, with the hearts in the windows. They posted this caption with the video: "An artistic expression by the Fargo Police Department. Part II coming soon...." And it made me wonder if "part II" is when things are opened back up again and back to "normal."
Just another video to share...Brynn loves this song and they actually sang it during our church service today. It is a really good one.
Ok, one more video. This gentlemen sings on our worship team at Hope and was singing and playing his guitar during the service a couple of weeks ago. Our pastors have been doing daily video devotionals and posting them on social media, as well as different people from the worship team have posted music too. This guy, Daniel, caught Clara's attention during the church service because he was really getting into the music. I noticed Hope posted a couple of videos of him playing guitar and singing, so we've been watching those. In his latest video, one of the songs he sings is the above, 'Reckless Love.'
Funny memes for this week.
I think I may have done this actually. Ha!