Grocery shopping right now is trying to strike the right balance between not over-buying in hoarder-like quantities, but getting enough of what we need now that we're all eating every breakfast, lunch and dinner meal plus snacks at home while attempting to limit my trips to the store. We've really been plowing through the bananas lately.
This one's for you, Auntie Christel! Our quarantined mail, packages and some grocery and household items I bought over the weekend.
On Saturday night we Zoomed with my family for some chatting and a game that Tessa taught us.
The Weckerly girls dazzled us with their fun background.
Couch Church. Our church has been live streaming the services every Wednesday and Sunday. Photo courtesy of Clara. She usually doesn't last a really long time before she's off nearby doing something else, but still singing along to the songs she knows.
It was very foggy on Monday morning.
Nothing says spring like a hearty pot pie! ;-)
We found more hearts on our nightly walk.
Clara is usually a really good helper and yesterday she took it upon herself to organize the storage container cupboard!
The girls have been able to spend a lot of time playing outside still...which apparently sounds like might change now with snow forecast for tomorrow. Boo.
They get so dirty and muddy every time they go out, I wash their outside clothes once or twice every day.
They got the four-wheelers out last night and tore through the water in the ditches.
Today was Brynn's first day of distance or e-learning!
Clara wasn't about to miss out. I did finally come up with a routine of sorts for her over the weekend, and Brynn had set up a little desk type of situation in the office for her, so she legitimately thought we were going to be doing homeschooling. We're not since I'm also still trying to work from home full-time. However, I did try to put together some things like they do at preschool like a calendar, weather chart, craft ideas and letter of the day, etc. to help with that familiarity.
Brynn's 'classroom' now.
Everything went really smoothly for Brynn which was great! She is already loving her new schedule which puts her done with actual classroom time at 12:15 pm. Then she can work on assignments as needed in the afternoon, although they have the entire week to submit them. She was continually fretting over making it to her next class when they were in school as they only have four minutes between classes, I believe it is. With her new schedule she has 15 minutes between each class. Each period wrapped up early today, so she actually had a long break before the next class started. I know some teachers and probably some students had some technological hiccups today, but we were thankful Brynn didn't experience anything like that. I wasn't allowed in her room during her classes for fear (Brynn's fear, not mine) that I would be caught on her camera. So, I was only able to snap this pic before they got started this morning.
Clara getting started with her day, counting up the days in April. That sheet says "Clara's schedule" on it, though I didn't set times to anything that I have on there. Rather I did more of a list of what she and I discussed that she typically did in preschool and what we thought would keep her busy throughout the day. She does pretty well at keeping going with much so that she didn't even have time for rest/quiet time today. ;-)
Brynn and I had made that weather chart back when she was just little and somehow we still had it. Brynn had just helped Clara update it a bit today so that it included the rest of the weather stickers.
Coming to tell Dad that she stalled the four-wheeler in the ditch.

Happy April Fool's Day! Brynn tried to get me good with her fake blood and 'cut' here. I was more confused than worried since she came upstairs with a bloody hand and right away I was questioning what she could have cut herself so badly on downstairs. So, I think my response was "what did you do?" rather than asking if she was okay. Ha. It looked pretty realistic!
Apparently they had been scheming.
Normally I don't plan any pranks or tricks for April Fool's, but this one here fell into my lap at the end of the day. One of my fitness group cronies posted this (who coincidentally is a teacher at Brynn's school) on Facebook and I knew I had to get Brynn back for her bloody hand prank.
Hehe - her initial reaction when she realized what she read cracks me up.
Brynn's confirmation group leaders organized a Zoom call tonight to connect.
Clara was trying to weasel her way onto the call.
The rain tonight didn't stop Clara and I going out for our walk. She had pre-arranged for Dad to come pick her up mid-way through upon our request via text, but we really got to walking and talking and she forgot, so we made part of the way back before she got a lift the rest of the way home.
We didn't get to our letter of the day today, so we did it while on our walk. We were thinking of things that we saw as we were walking along that started with the letter R. Since it was raining outside, I think that's how she decided upon that letter. We saw a jack rabbit galloping across someone's yard in Briarwood when Clara spied it and said, "look! There's a llama!" Ha!
She ended up moving on to some other letters as well and after she got through her own name and a couple of other words for "C," then she exclaimed, "coronavirus!" Yes, indeed.
Thank you to everyone who called and chatted with Brynn about her first day of distance learning!
We roped auntie Shelly into a Go To Meeting call tonight. And Seymour too. :-)