The school year is slowly and finally winding down for the girls. Brynn is definitely counting down the days. Clara says she's going to miss riding the bus the most. :-) Their last day is Thursday the 3rd. Since they started the year late, they go later than they usually would as well.
Clara's class is still in their ABC countdown. She was most excited for P day with PJs and pancakes.
Brynn was able to receive her first dose of the COVID vaccination. Thankfully she reported no side effects.
A couple of weeks ago the auto repair shop and ministry that Dana volunteers for was having a grand opening celebration at their new south Fargo location. Clara went with us to take in a little car show they were having and some delish burgers that they served.
The two guys on the right are the co-owners. They did a nice little presentation of the ministry work and how that works together with the auto shop business. And they announced their goal to be able to donate/give away 1000 cars by 2026. So far through the ministry they have donated 200-some.
Clara and Dana having a tea party one afternoon. :-)
Star shades for 'S day!'
We don't typically have very many HS graduations to attend, but have three this year. The first one we've gone to so far is our summer nanny, Taylor's. She had a lot of her artwork on display which was fun to see.
It's interesting to see what the kids are doing for parties nowadays, compared to back when we graduated. Taylor had kind of a brunch/breakfast buffet thing going on. We grabbed a couple of donuts for the girls since they weren't with us.
Speaking of seniors and graduating, I dug out my senior pics as our morning exercise group was all posting theirs in our Facebook group.
The girls have started bringing home their projects and artwork from the past year. Loved this larger-than-life Crunch bar Brynn made!
Clara is finishing up her session of swim lessons and then will do a summer session at Foss next.
This past week I found myself back down near Ellendale, ND/Frederick, SD to get some footage of soybean planting for work.
I also found this chicken, but I don't think she liked me very much.
I wrapped up just as it was starting to sprinkle.
Also for work I made these
quinoa lentil burgers which I was convinced would be disgusting, but was pleasantly surprised to find they actually turned out really delicious.
Brynn was working on a painting for her best friend the other night.
And she put Clara to bed after reading her a bedtime story.
First batch of rhubarb for this season. I'm trying to decide what to make with it. I'm thinking a rhubarb crisp sounds good.
Brynn and I have had really nice weather for our evening walks lately.
Yay! Another house project complete!

We've started our summer bucket list, though we only have a couple of things on it so far. The girls are exciting for their new nanny to start.