Dana and Brynn are watching 'Stranger Things' together. Just when they were working toward catching up, a new season just released.
Playing some baseball last Saturday...
Last Saturday night we also celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary by going out to eat and for a drink.
Dana was trying to find a bottle of wine from 2004, but they didn't have any.
Star Wars anniversary wishes from Clara.
Clara got chilly during outdoor worship on Sunday.

Thankfully she warmed up with her donut though.
Monday was Clara's second to last tennis lesson which I was able to come watch as Jenine was off that day. It was so fun to watch. There was another boy in this session who is also in track with Clara and I was just giggling at him the whole time because he was chattering away non-stop. He and Clara had kind of hit it off and became buddies.
We are so excited for and proud of Brynn that she started at Culver's with her first day on Tuesday. It's going pretty well so far and she is happy to be making some money this summer.
I can't recall who gave this bubble maker set to Clara, but I believe she received it for her birthday last year. She and Dana cleaned out the toys in the garage and she came across it and hadn't used it yet. We got it out this past week and had a lot of fun with it. So, thank you to whomever it was from!
I sucked Brynn into my baked oats affinity. So yummy!
The last track meet for this session was this past Thursday night. It was a beautiful night and Clara had a great ending to track and field! Her favorites were definitely anything that wasn't running. Haha. But, even on the 200 and 400-meter, she kept going to the end, even if she had to slow up a bit and then run.
The cheering you hear in the video is Clara's friend from tennis. So sweet!
Out on an evening walk with Brynnie. 😍
Telling me about the first season of Stranger Things.
Dana working on his '51.
These two hooligans had been cooking up plans for a sleepover all week.
Brynn made a countdown chain for our upcoming Outer Banks trip. Not long now!
Photo Cred: Brynn |