You may recall this post at this time last year which declared my goal for 2022 of a photography 365 challenge: one photo every day. Well, of course, I took more than one some days, but the idea was to take one photo every day for a year.
You might have also noticed a lot of number titled posts throughout last year as I posted a week's worth or two at a time. Now I put my recap together of all 365 photos.
I was pleased that I never forgot or missed a day, but I realized I possibly traumatized myself a bit when 2023 started and the first few days had me pondering, "what is my 'photo of the day' going to be today?" It was a STRUGGLE to come up with different subjects to take pictures of, and looking through them all together now, I think I did double up sometimes. There were only so many pics of the girls, food and trees that I could take, but there are plenty of each!
Some photos I felt were straight trash and didn't even want to include them in my recap or post them in my updates on here. But overall I ended up with many more (good) photos than I would have in any other 'normal' year. I rediscovered one of my old macro lenses which has now become my go-to when I am making a recipe for my work blog. It definitely made me pause more and notice nature around me. I thought I would increase my skills and learn a lot, neither of which I feel really progressed greatly.
I'm still glad I did it though. I would maybe do something a bit more informal next time...more of a daily documentation of everyday life, whereas I wanted so badly with this challenge for every image I captured to be a 10/10.