Summer is in full swing over here. Our nanny, Izabell, started with us last week and she is so great. Clara made a list of things she wants to do with her. They've been pretty busy so far.
Last week was Vacation Bible Xperience at church. Brynn was a small group leader and Clara attended.
I made sure I got to the church in time for the confetti bomb.
Astronaut Clara. (Photo cred: Brynn)
Brooklyn's birthday was last Tuesday so Brynn celebrated with her and some friends...and this beautiful charcuterie board they put together.

Holly got our wedding video footage digitized and gave us a copy as well so Tessa and I were watching that with the girls. Brynn dug out my wedding gown and we had fun trying it on.
Clara put on two circus shows for us on Sunday. Quite entertaining!
The girls have been able to sleep in now that it's summer vacation...along with staying up late!
Dana, Clara and I made it to a RedHawks baseball game last night while Brynn went to the movies with a friend.
As we were making our way on the sidewalk to Neuman Field, a pick-up truck pulled over and handed Clara a ball.
She was able to have Hawkeye sign it.
Izabell and the girls hit up Kingpinz today for some fun.