Last week Clara went to back-to-school night, found her locker and saw many of her classmates...and, of course, took a pic with Benny the Eagle.
Clara was nervous the night before school started, but woke up on Monday excited for the first day.
I walked with Clara to school and barely got back in time to drive Brynn over to the high school. Thankfully, she still lets me snap a pic.
Clara reported a great first day! She was pretty bored right away when she got home, so she found a recipe for homemade pretzel breadsticks and got to work on that.
We got wrapped up in time to go over to the high school to watch Hubert's football game for a bit. I had scored these sweet bleacher chairs from the Booster Club. They are so comfy.
I didn't get a chance to hear about Brynn's day until she came home from the football game around 10:30. She said the day went a bit better than she had expected, but she is still mourning summer.
Clara was waiting for the bus this morning (which was often late last year) when her friends came by and picked her up.
Clara's teacher sent this class photo. So cute!
Hanging out in Brynn's room today before dinner.
I think they will both have a great year! Thank you to everyone for all the well wishes.