The kids rolled out and baked sugar cookies for Thanksgiving.
Cora and Clara made these adorable turkey crafts at the crafternoon at the library.
On Tuesday we went downtown for the tree lighting at Broadway Square. Abby, Hubert's sister, joined us as well. She just turned 10, so she got along pretty well with Clara.
They had s'mores kits so we had to toast some mallows right away. I love how Clara's marshmallow is completely ablaze and she's still posing for the photo. Hahaha.
I made them do jazz hands.
And then, of course, we had to hit up Blackbird afterward.
The girls had Wednesday off from school, but Brynn lamented that she would have rather been at school than at home working on this to-do list. Thankfully, Hubert and Abby came over and pitched in so we were pretty well finished up on cleaning by early afternoon.
Making cream cheese dip with a broken mixer! Yay!
We snacked, visited and played games while Lloyd was doin' his thing and the ribs were on the grill.
The core four out for a very chilly pre-bird walk!
The other end of the table. This might have been the most people we've ever hosted and I loved it.
Brynn and Hubert's mom, Pricilla.
It had been a couple of years since we FaceTimed with Rosha and her family on Thanksgiving. We sure miss having them with us on Thanksgiving after they moved to Seattle. Brynn still keeps in contact with Rosha and we did get to chat with her a bit too. Both Fataneh and Rosha looked so beautiful.
Thanks to the dishwashers!
Thanks to Dana's fashion consultant (plus Elise!), we made another round of purging Dana's wardrobe in preparation for what has become Dana's annual clothing shopping spree on black Friday.
Sadly this hat didn't make the cut, but I thought it was a good look.
Such a good sport.
On Saturday, Clara and Dad had big plans, according to their to-do list anyway.
They only made it so far before Clara got really tired (I think she's been fighting something off, including a possible ear infection and she didn't sleep well on Friday night) and laid down for a rest.
While Clara was resting, Brynn, Hubert and I went downtown for some small business Saturday shopping and to hit up Christkindlmarkt.

We are so blessed to have so many loved ones with which to celebrate Thanksgiving. We love hosting each year and are glad for those who were able to be with us.
(Thank you to Tessa for many of these photos and for all those who brought so much delicious food!)