What a big day for Brynn today. Auntie Christel (Dana's sister) is here visiting for the weekend. Daddy is out of town at a bachelor party all weekend, so it's just us girls. This morning all three of us had our nails done at the nail salon in the mall. Brynn has really been into nail designs lately, so she was excited to get those on her toenails and fingernails.
While in the mall, auntie treated Brynn in The Children's Place and bought her new clothes and accessories for school. She was really excited to pick out clothes, jewelry, headbands and shoes.
With the three of us being big pasta fans, we ate out for lunch at the Olive Garden. Yum!
She has been growing her hair out for a long time, but recently decided to get it cut in time for school. So, we went to Whipper Snippers again and the girl who has happened to cut her hair the past couple of times did so again. Brynn chose pink chalk for her hair this time. She said she likes how it turned out.
Then we ended at Wal-mart for school supplies shopping.
Brynn is all ready for school now with new clothes, new 'do and school supplies.
Brynn is all ready for school now with new clothes, new 'do and school supplies.
Getting the chalk. |
Whoopsies! |
Amanda : )