Last weekend we went to visit Christel & John to see their new house. Brynn buddied up to John the whole weekend. She went to the science museum and a hockey game with the guys. And had fun chasing the cats around the house.
At the hockey game. |
Clara and White Cat checking each other out. |
Sunday morning snuggles with Grandpa. |
Brynn is on "Mid-Winter Break" from school which started yesterday and goes through tomorrow. I took Wednesday and Thursday off this week and Dana took tomorrow off to be home with the girls. We've been having a grand old time here at home. Yesterday Brynn had her well child check-up and did really well. She's still a petite peanut at only 44 lbs! But her doctor isn't concerned; she is still growing anyway.
She wanted to kick off her break by watching a movie on Tuesday night. |
Clara gets to sleep with a snuggly now. Although the blanket is about as big as a large napkin and made of muslin material (so it's really thin), I am still paranoid she's going to smother herself, so I tie a knot in the middle of it, and then Mom can sleep at night, too. ;-) |
This drawing is, in fact, new and not from this past Halloween. |
There is no taming that fur. Ha. |
She thought she was having fun playing with this toy...and then it started to play music. She just smiled. |
Cinderella hard at work. I was going to mop the entryway and she asked me if she could do it. I gladly stepped aside. She kept on going and did the kitchen, too. |
"Sorry" with Grandma |
Today we hung out around home most of the day, but did venture out to the library before meeting Grandpa and Grandma Froemming for lunch.
I was pumping up in our bedroom and left Clara to play downstairs...or fall asleep rather. I kind of wondered when it got awfully quiet on the monitor. :-) We don't call her Snoozy Suzie for nothing! |
Let's take a selfie. |
More water works adventures with Clara. We are at an awful in-between stage with her and bathing right now. She is about too big for the infant tub anymore, and got us too wet in the sink. Now that she is sitting up more by herself, I thought we could move her to the big tub, but she won't sit still and kicks her legs so much, she just slides all around. I tried to get a suction-cupped bath mat, but our tub is already textured, so it didn't stick. Brynn does help me by trying to hang on to her, but the best way to describe bath time with Clara is that it is akin to trying to catch a greased pig.