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Adventures of Gallops and Piano Party

We were at Dead Lake for a visit on Friday night where my parents and my aunt and uncle also were visiting for the evening. Brynn went back with Grandpa, Grandma and Reagan to stay at Lake 15 for the rest of the weekend. I foolishly thought I wouldn't miss or mind not having my camera with me. Of course it wasn't long before I was reaching for it and I remembered that I hadn't brought it. :-( Anyway, Mom texted me some photos of Brynn from her stay at the lake which included a surprise early birthday party for grandma.... and no sleep for anyone. :-) 

Brynn kayaking for the first time.

Sunday was a great day for baking, I thought. So, Brynn and I finally got around to starting a batch of chocolate chip cookies later in the afternoon. She was in and out of the kitchen helping and playing and such. She was taking photos for a new bejeweled wallet that recently came into her possession. This photo of me was more or the less the culmination of our cookie baking experience...we got started too close to supper time and I was trying to finish up the cookies and make kabobs for supper at the same time. Brynn asked me to pose for my photo just when I was crawling on the floor wiping up our cookie making mess and Clara was crawling onto my back. yeehaw! 

Apparently we buy a lot of store-bought cookies at our house because when we were on our way back from getting our cookie ingredients at the store, Brynn asked me what our brand name of our cookies was going to be. :-) She said she would design a package when we got home. I guess our brand of cookie is Tara. 

Last year you might remember Penny, Brynn's piano teacher, had a pirate-themed treasure hunt for a back-to-school party. This year was a root beer float party and since they had collectively racked up so many minutes of practicing, got a pinata for the party, too. It's so fun that she puts on these parties. I'm sure she was glad when it was over - the boys especially were pretty wild tonight. At one point during the pinata, they were all chanting..."kill it, kill it!" Yikes. Not to mention talk of the pinata's butt crack and farting. Okay, onto the pics then...

Brynn's new little pet, Gallops, came along and partook in the float.

They played a spoon game with a marble, and here is Brynn patiently waiting for the game to start. However, just as it got going, she bowed out and decided to swing instead. :-( So, that made for quite an uneven team, as her group already was one person shorter than the other teams.

Brynn and Penny

Brynn fashioned a custom party hat for Gallops. I thought it was super cute.

Putting Gallops to bed.

G'night, Gallops!

Brynn starts school on Thursday of this week, and tomorrow night is back-to-school night where we can see Brynn's classroom for this coming year and meet her teacher. We have all the school supplies, but yet to decide what she'll wear for the first day. She is not excited to start school she says, but I know once she meets her teacher and gets going, she'll have a great year.


theweckerlys said…
Love the pic of you in the kitchen! So cute that Brynn put gallops to bed :)
carrington said…
That Penny is such a fun piano teacher! Looks like 'Gallops' sure has a nice home now - love his party hat!
Amanda Lamm said…
Lol! I love the Clara scoop off of the kitchen floor, as well as Brynnie's new pal Mr. Gallops!


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