Wow, I really got behind on blog posts. I have lots of updates...
Anyone remember this first picture of lil Brynnie-Boo? I sure do. It was just after she turned one.
Oh forward eight years to nine years old. My beautiful girl.
Not last weekend, but the weekend before....
Dana and Brynn went to the Saturday morning movie (Lego Batman) at the Dream Lounger theater with reclining seats! So, they took blankets and went in their PJs. It was probably for the best that Brynn went with Daddy, as I likely would have fallen asleep with my blanket in the reclining chairs.
It was quite the weekend for Brynn; she and I went to get our nails done that afternoon after they got back from the movie.
Eek. Don't mind me. I was trotting around sans make-up that day. And apparently without doing anything with my hair. :-S
Church ladies. My sister texted me a picture of her kids getting ready for church so I snapped one back before we headed out ourselves.
That afternoon my friend Amanda brought Adria over to play with Clara while Brynn attended a classmate's birthday party. They happened to be wearing the exact same pants. Ha. They are so funny to watch together.
My "clean" towels.
Last week one day was crazy hair day at Clara's school.
Last Thursday we had Brynn's parent-teacher conferences. She is doing well and still enjoying third grade.
This pic was from her teacher when they went to the Plains Art Museum for their pottery craft. Their class goes each year and makes a different project every time. This year it was cupcakes.

Last Friday night as Brynn was getting ready for the Butterfly Ball Clara thought she should do some primping too and started in on her nails.
The handsome couple ready to head out for a night on the town. Brynn chose to eat at Subway before they went over to the dance.
Could they look any more alike!? Ha. I love it.
Brynn with her friends at the dance.
Clara and I hung back and cuddled. She asked me if I would snuggle with her after supper. No way I was going to say no to that!
Saturday morning we traveled to Hurdsfield to celebrate cousin Ben's fifth birthday at the Community Center. It was so much fun with games, face painting and a bouncy house! Here's the birthday boy with his cake of choice, carrot cake made by Grandma Laurie.
We spent the night at Weckerlys'. Uncle Dana and Ben had to try out one of Ben's new Lego sets.
Sunday sister snuggles in Brynn's tent.
My kitchen helper!
Hope has started an electronic reporting program for both the after school program and toddler room called Brightwheel. Parents install the app on their phone and receive notifications of their child's activity throughout the day. Previously we would get this info on a handwritten sheet at the end of each day. I am loving this so far! The teachers seem to give more detailed accounts of their activities and now today began posting some pictures throughout the day. It's so nice to get a peek into Clara's day.
Crazy dance party!