I think we're all officially ready for spring now! We got dumped on again this week, but first here are some other goings-on, besides snow. :-)
We had finished up with supper one night last week and Clara was trotting down the hall with her piece of bacon. I heard her fall down and she decided just to stay put and finish her bacon right there. Ha.
She'll usually come either in the middle of the night or around 6:15 into our bedroom to see if she can cuddle with us. One morning she crawled in and then fell back asleep. It took me forever to wake her up for school! Mom and dad's bed is so cozy.
Sisterly bedtime stories.
We had heard that there was going to be a super moon this past Tuesday in which the moon would be really big and bright. I had left my regular camera at my office for a work project that I was working on, so these are just with my cell phone which stinks for night time pics, but we did a good glimpse of it.
Brynn had Dana's old spotting scope out to see if she could see it better with that.
Brynn has been working on a project for school in which they were to choose a person from history to research and then present their essay by way of a wax museum. Brynn chose Sally Ride. So, they're supposed to dress up in character for this museum and give an oral presentation. We were able to find a space suit very similar to the one Sally wore up to space on her first trip. I have been learning so many fascinating things about Sally through Brynn's project.
If anyone knows me, you might know I hate being outdoors in the winter, especially playing in the snow and all that. Last weekend I did go out with the girls to sled in our yard. Well, of course I really set a precedence for myself as they wanted me to come back out with them again this weekend. :-/ It did seem pretty warm and calm out, but it's a little bit open and thus windy on the edge of our yard, so after getting snow up our jackets, down our boots and in our faces, we had to head in. Last weekend the snow was just right for sledding, but today it was so wet and heavy that we just kept sinking down into it when we tried to walk through it.
Both of the girls like doing hair. They were playing hair shop with each other tonight. This was Brynn's creation for Clara.
Haha. This one just made me giggle because Clara took this pic of Brynn to try and capture the hairstyle she did for big sister, but didn't really and instead got me looking tired and unimpressed. In reality, though, I love to see the creative things they come up with to play.