Now that the weather has finally gotten nicer, we thought it was time we make our summer bucket list. I feel like there isn't anything too exciting this year as many of the activities we would typically do in the normal course of a summer eating outside, jet skiing and smoking some meat, but it still all sounds like fun!
Brynn was in choir this year and this past Monday was their spring concert. We took a couple of pics outside the school afterward. She is planning on participating in choir again in middle school.
This video was a mashup of the kids singing in church on Mother's Day (actually just Brynn; Clara declined to sing) and Brynn's choir concert. I just love that first song they since at the concert. She did a great job! (She's in the back toward the left in the church portion and first row, middle/right at the choir concert.)
Oh wait, I recognize this one in particular.
Brynn and I went for a walk through the Briarwood neighborhood south of our house last night. It was a perfect night to be out. There are some really interesting homes in there, so it was fun to see each one.
I walked past Clara's room when I got up this morning and found she had migrated to her little fold-out couch. She didn't know why she moved over there; she probably was still sleeping when she made the move.