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Swim Lessons, Harry Potter Trivia, Valentine's Day, Happy birthday to Elise!

I was visiting over at my best friend, Amanda's, house a week or so ago. Their kitty had recently gotten spayed and had to wear a cone. She is just the cutest thing.

Clara started up swimming lessons again. This time we tried Foss Swim School. Her first day, it was just her and one other girl...the other girl being her friend Tammy who used to attend Hope with Clara. They were so excited to see each other again. Tammy was so sweet, encouraging Clara and cheering for her.

Brynn skipped out on gymnastics last Tuesday to attend a Harry Potter trivia night at the library. It sounds like there were some pretty hard core Potter people there, but I think they said they came in at about the middle of everyone with the final scores.

We had a great Valentine's Day, celebrating at home. Thank you to everyone who sent the girls valentines! They felt very loved.

On Saturday we celebrated cousin Elise's birthday with a 'Back to the Future' themed party. The cake was outstanding! What a fun theme.

These two. 💓💓 Prairie Joy is Chad's brother's daughter and only a week younger than Clara. They always have a fun time together.

Eleven candles!

We were able to stay the night Saturday night and the cousins had a fun time together as usual. Elise had received some Easy Bake Oven mixes for her birthday, so she and Clara were busy making pretzels.

And Brynn and Regs were making some chocolate syrup marshmallow treats.

Brynn had yesterday and today off of school. I took today off to take her to some appointments. We had a pretty productive day running errands and browsing at Barnes & Noble and the library. 

I'm a big cheap cheat and take pics of books that I want to read to later check if they're available for free on my library app. :-D 

We picked Clara up early and she was busy at the sensory table.


theweckerlys said…
Fun pics! Love the ones of Clara and her friend at swimming lessons. So glad you guys could come celebrate with us for Elise's birthday!
Amanda Lamm said…
LoL, I THOUGHT that was the family cat!!! Thanks for giving her her 15 minutes of fame.
Wow, so much action over there! I love Clara's swim lessons experience; Adria begins there 3/12, fingers crossed ; ) Oh Brynnie, Harry Potter fan Numero Uno!

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