We had some pretty warm temps this week which presented a good opportunity for pool time.
I guess everyone else thought so, too, as the girls had intended to hit up Davies (the high school near our house) pool after lunch one day, but the line was out the door when they arrived. So, Ryann took them up North to try a different pool..which they did get into, but just as they got there the lifeguards announced it was closing in 15 minutes. So, that was a bummer, but they swam for those 15 minutes anyway.
Photo Cred: Ryann |
Insert Brynn's new treat obsession: Tropical Sno. There is a little stand not far from our house and they sell these frozen flavored treats. I had never been there before, but we had received a coupon, so the they stopped on their way back from the pool. I think Brynn has asked me every day since then if she can go back and get one.
That night at dinner the girls asked if we'd go to the pool with them, so we all got ready and walked up to the sign on the door at Davies that said they were at capacity. Due to COVID, the pools are operating at half capacity. Just then we saw three people leave, so Dana was going to wait outside to see if he could get it in later and we girls were going to carry on. But an employee came out and said they could take four people, so we all ended up being able to go in at the same time.
The next day the girls made it to Davies with Ryann and then asked if they could go back after dinner again. I said that I didn't want to get in the water this time, but that I'd take them and just watch. They were content with that, so off we went. It was much quieter that day, so that was more enjoyable.
Working on my weird farmer tan. I have really white feet right now because whenever I am outside, I have my tennis shoes on.
I was looking for Clara on Thursday night and found her running around with her sword downstairs. She promptly challenged me to a duel and all I could scrounge up was a 'magical wand' type of sword. Brynn soon found us and we all had a battle together.
Then I was taking pictures and video and just laughing my head off.
Brynn gave Clara a princess makeover on Friday afternoon.
My personalized parking spot. So friendly, too!
Back at Tropical Sno. Ha! Brynn was intending to ride her bike down to get one on Friday evening, but then Dad told her he would ride with her.
Then she was making little crosses for us with her lathe when she got back.
It was the nicest day on Friday. We had had enough of the horrendous wind that we endured all week and Friday, so we really enjoyed how calm it was. I think the temps were in the 70s; just nice and mild. It ended with a beautiful sunset.
We learned of a Geo Tour around Fargo-Moorhead. You write the code word that you find at each cache, and if you find more than 20 on the list you receive a pin. Brynn was excited to do the tour, so we had planned to do that this afternoon. I told her that the house needed cleaning, though, and if I was going to be able to go geocaching, I would need help. Both girls worked really hard this morning cleaning while I was at my exercise class and getting groceries. Rain was forecast for most of the afternoon. But when we left it was really nice, so we figured we would start out and go until we got rained out.
I had also found out about a list of all the murals around Fargo-Moorhead. It turned out that many of the geocaches on the tour were at the murals. I had told Brynn that I would love to do the mural 'tour' as well, so this was great that we could hit two birds with one stone.
Anyhow, the first one we did brought us downtown in which we found the cache in a birdhouse in this tree.
The second one we found wasn't too far away on Front Street, right behind Front Street Tap Room. So, naturally I guess, that one was this keg. Ha. This cache had a combination lock that we needed to first open to unlock the keg.
Clara was pretty pleased with this cache's contents.
We were surprised to find this mural on the side of the brewery.
This mural did not have a geocache, but we weren't far from it, so we stopped to snap a pic.
Next stop was the Plains Art Museum. There are very few that are inside of a building, but this one was one of them. We first had to find the clue outside to help us know where to look inside.
The clue was on that plate that you see on the bottom right of this statue. It said the cache is located where you might have forgotten your coat.
Coat room!
Brynn was most excited about this cache site...the graffiti wall. She had packed spray paint so she and Clara would be able to add to the wall.
At a few of the first caches we found, we noticed others had been there today too...perhaps these women. We had arrived at the graffiti mural and found two other ladies who appeared to be geocaching too. So, we sort of teamed up and they found the micro cache under the stairs there. Since it was a micro cache, there weren't any trinkets or anything in a container, so they just signed their names. The ladies wished us luck for our next stop (the Mario wall) which was where they had just come from.
The girls got right to work adding their artistry to the wall.
We made it to the Mario wall. I have always wanted to visit it, but never understood where it was. With the help of our GPS, this time we were able to find it right away. What we did not find, though, was the cache at this location. It had started to rain and so we didn't have as much patience to keep looking until we located it. So, we took our pics anyway and had to call it good.
We had planned to hit up Scoop-N-Dough after our last one for today. So yummy!
Brynn and I are still befuddled and annoyed that we weren't able to find the cache at the Mario wall. I told her perhaps she can have Ryann take them there one day and maybe she'll think of something that we missed in looking for it. Otherwise, we'll probably pick back up at that spot whenever we go back out to do some more of the tour.
I love all the neat art, culture and food that is in downtown Fargo and Moorhead. So, it was especially fun to do this tour that took us through some of the hot spots.