Happy 13th birthday to Brynnie!
Obviously it's crazy to think she's a teenager now. We are so proud of the amazing young woman she is growing into. We love you, Brynn Marie!
We figured we shouldn't throw a regular birthday party this year with hosting a bunch of family and friends at our house. Instead Brynn said she wanted to go back up to Bemidji to Kohl's Resort...the one our friends run and where we went for a weekend this past fall. Cousin Reagan came along to help us celebrate.
It was so beautiful there again; this time with white frosty trees.
Brynn had been wanting to try skiing since we were at Detroit Mountain last year. Buena Vista Ski Resort is just 15 miles from Kohl's, so we thought it would work out great for us to get some skiing in. Reagan had a new-to-her snow board that she wanted to break in too. I love skiing, but hadn't been out in ages. Dana and Clara decided to stay back and swim. (Their tubing hill wasn't open at this time, otherwise they probably would have done that.)
It was a really nice place...
Brynn had found a bakery in Bemidji that was able to make her an Among Us cake. (Among Us is a popular online game.) She really knocked it out of the park. It looked fantastic and just like the photo we had sent her for reference.
Ok, one last one...
Brynn is pretty into the Zodiac and Weckerlys got her a book about her sign, Capricorn. Reagan surprised her that she had the same book for her sign too.
Clara's card. 💓
The girls decided to go swimming after enchiladas, cake and gifts. Brynn and Reagan played some Among Us with Brynn's friend from back home before turning in for the night.
Brian and Ashley set us up in another fantastic cabin. We had so much fun and were all sad when it was time to pack up and head out this morning.
Welcome to the teenage years, Brynn! We love you so much and are so thankful God gave you to us.