Brynn loves to watch many different kinds of YouTube videos, and the other day she got caught up on some cupcake decorating videos. So, naturally we had to then make cupcakes and test out what she learned. She wanted to know how many different tips I had for decorating. I got out all my stuff and I held the piping bag shut while she decorated them how she wanted. I should have took some pics of the final products because they did turn out fairly well, however below is what the kitchen looked like when we were done and she had to get to bed, so needless to say I had some cleaning up to do and I was already pooped myself.
A craft she made at Hope. Don't forget to "chrust" in God. ;-) |
This past weekend Brynn and I headed west to Fessenden for the Wells County Fair. It's always fun to come back and see everyone from my hometown. Brynn loves the rides, of course, and looking at the exhibits in the women's building and 4-H building. It was beastly hot on Saturday, though.
Grandma Darlene after the Rhubarb Festival clean-up. Brynn got a hold of my cell phone and wanted to take pics. |
Riding the carousel with Grandpa. |
These two were ride buddies for quite a few of the fair attractions. There little heads barely sticking up over the spaceship cracks me up. |
Typical. Ben is his happy, friendly self while Brynn has to check out herself in the mirror. Ha. |
Brynn wanted to make sure she made it back to the old school house. She got such a kick out of it last year. |
While the rest of our group went on down the fairway, Brynn had to stop back and harass this lady with more questions. |
Plucking some grass with Ben with which to feed the horses in the 4-H horse barn. |
She loved seeing the horses. This one actually reminded me of one of the horses we had on the farm growing up. |
Princess pianist practicing her piano last night. She started out on just the black keys and this week is learning the white ones now. |
My bestest and oldest friend is also expecting and is just one week ahead of me with her due date! We have been friends forever and I think her husband is convinced we're always in cahoots about something whenever we're together. So, the fact that we're pregnant now at the exact same time and both having girls, he thinks this is all a big conspiracy with us two. Ha. Amanda came over last night to visit and we made Dana take some pics of us together so we could remember being pregnant at the same time. Then the rest of the time we sat in the house and complained to each other about the ailments of pregnancy. :-)
Belly buddies! |
Also, good job on the preggo pics Dana!