Brynn has started learning keyboarding in school and the teacher gave the students a link where they can go online and practice their skills.
Always doing hair...
Clara usually drinks the remaining milk from her cereal bowl when she's done with the cereal. And she loves syrup, so here she was drinking her syrup. No wonder she's so sweet. :-/ She drank the rest of the green bean juice when the beans were all gone out of the bowl the other day. Ewww.
Brynn helping me grocery shop. |
Rosha came over to play last Saturday. I had found these big sidewalk chalk paint Crayons. They were pretty messy and didn't work really great, but the girls did seem to get a kick out of them, I guess.

I have been getting a kick out of the daycare care sheet notations lately. They write if your child has mostly had a green, yellow or red day. Green is they were happy all day, no issues, not sad, they listened, etc. Yellow represents minor issues like the child was sad/anxious/mad, had some listening issues, things like that. Clara has then received red when she has bitten the other daycare children. Anyway, so whenever I see 'yellow' written on her sheet, I always inquire as to what it had been for. Usually it's just that she had gotten a bit emotional in the morning and then after her nap, she is all happy again. But lately they've also been writing "just being Clara." This apparently means that she was just being her stubborn self, wanting to do her own thing. Like the other day she refused to sit down for one of the group activities they were doing together. She apparently is on her own agenda. Haha.

Last Sunday was our church's kick-off event for the year, Hope Fest. It had been quite a few years since the last time we had been there. So, the girls and I headed over for a bit as Brynn said she'd like to go and it was so nice out.
"Fishing" |
Clara helping Brynn with her sundae cone. Also, I'm not pulling her hair; just holding it out of the way as it was really windy. |
They had the best photo booth set-up I had ever seen. So fun. |
Brynn is coming down from the top left. |
Walking home. |
This past Tuesday Grandpa and Grandma Froemming were in town for some appointments and errands and surprised the girls by picking them up early at Hope. They walked with the wagon and made a stop at the park on the way home.
Lovey snuggles. |