Saturday was a perfect day to be at the lake celebrating my mom's 60th birthday.
We kicked off the party with a rousing game of baseball.
We got into cake and presents in the afternoon and had a delicious fish fry dinner.
Tessa and fam were in charge of the decorations and accessories.
The Weckerly kids made a candy riddle board. Those are always so fun.
Clara made a neat card for Grandma.
Turns out 60 is the year for candy. Grandma and Clara share a love of Tootsie Rolls.
Happy birthday, Mom! It was a fun celebration!
The next morning, Dana and Brynn got up and headed out with the four-wheelers to meet up with Grandpa and Grandma Froemming and some other friends near Nevis, MN.
Meanwhile, Clara and I got up and working on this rat's nest. :-) It actually wasn't too bad to detangle.
We did a Target run and then got groceries before heading back home to get ready to have Adria over for a sleepover.
They kept pretty busy together and seemed to be having a blast.
Meanwhile, Dana and Brynn had a good trip with nice weather on Sunday. Monday morning they rode a bit before heading back home and they said it was a bit cold then. Thanks to Holly and Dana for all the pics!
They stayed at a family friend's cabin and they left this sweet note for Brynn.
Some random pics from earlier this past week.
Clara made herself a unicorn headband.
Speaking of school, they were back in person today and will be tomorrow before learning from home Thursday and Friday of this week. Clara didn't want to go to school this morning and the bus came more than five minutes earlier than we had anticipated, so it was a bit of a rough start, but she did say she ended up having a good day...after she needed help from a para once she arrived at school because she couldn't remember how to find her classroom. So many things to remember from the bus route number to the lunch code number. I told her that's what they're there for is to help you and then she told me later that's exactly what the para had told her. :-) She said tonight that she just wants her 'real' teacher to be there with them. I think she is set to come back to school post knee replacement operation in about 6 or 7 weeks. But the substitute teacher is really nice too.
Brynn is loving 7th grade so far and I think things are a little calmer day-to-day with only half of the students in the school too. We learned some good news today that she will actually be continuing with the hybrid schedule after this month and not doing complete distance learning after all. She was glad to hear that.