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Parade + Slime + Orchard

Brynn purchased an industrial-sized vat of glue to be able to make up endless batches of slime...much to my chagrin.  It's so messy. :-/ But, she was excited to try different colors and glitter and all else.

She made a batch for Clara as well.

This scene of Clara swinging with her rabbit while she was in her stocking hat and PJs made me chuckle...except for the socks with no shoes.

Bunny also got her ears cleaned out courtesy of Clara. Ouch.

Last week was homecoming week at Davies HS. The elementary and middle schools go along with it as well and have different dress-up days to show school spirit. The girls didn't really participate. But, we heard the seniors were having a van parade one evening. Each year groups from the senior class decorate a van that they had purchased as a junior from the previous year's senior class. And then they outfit them to a theme and I'm not really sure what else they would typically do with them from there. But, I have seen different ones driving around our neighborhood other years.

This year with COVID, the school wasn't really 'sponsoring' the students working on the vans on school property and such, so the kids sort of went it on their own and decided to have a parade. We caught wind of it through social media and my boss has a senior at Davies this year as well. So, Clara and I walked over to the parade route and positioned ourselves to receive any potential candy that might be thrown our way. It was a gorgeous evening.

Here they come! You can see pieces of candy being thrown in all the pics.

This first one was a space-themed van and the kids on top were in astronaut costumes. The one behind was a 'Davies Fire Dept' van.

If you've seen the movie 'Dumb and Dumber,' you'll recognize this dog van. :-)

There were maybe only about seven vans or so total, but it was pretty fun and they were so creative with the way they decorated them. 

We brought back our loot to share with the rest of the fam.

Clara has started back up in gymnastics this fall and both girls returned to Foss for swimming lessons.

It was so nice on Friday, Clara and I went for a little bike/walk over my lunch hour. She put her little kitty to ride in the seat on the back of her bike and it was so funny because its tail was hanging out of a crack or hole in the seat.

Brynn's friend came over on Friday to spend the night.

Uggghh, more slime. And lots of it. Brynn had amassed this mega batch.

Saturday was another gorgeous day, so the girls and I took advantage and rode bikes up to the orchard.

We thought this was such a cool sight with this singular vine of red in amongst the green trees.

We had two purposes for visiting the orchard and one was to see if there were any apples to pick. We did find some trees that had apples, but by this time, they were pretty picked over on the bottoms. We didn't have an apple picker, so we weren't able to get at the remaining ones on the tops of the trees. Brynn did find some little crabapples. 

On the run for more apple trees and to find a good picnic spot...which was the other reason for our trip to the orchard.

We ended up winding through deeper into the wooded area and found the other side of where the river winds around the orchard. They look like they are holding onto each other, sort of out of concern of one of them falling down the bank into the river. What was actually happening was I asked them if they could put their arms around each other or something to that effect, but they kept pushing each other and I was the one who was concerned someone would fall into the river. Siblings! :-D 

And then we found this super cool tree that had formed a natural arch over the path.

We found a good spot along the trail for our picnic snack.

Although we didn't get any apples, Brynn did find the geocache that she had known to be hidden in the orchard. It was kind of a tricky one. Well, aren't they all, I guess!

The girls were planning their Halloween costumes the other day. Clara thought of some good ones. She added Cheetah to the list because "I can run really fast!" :-) 

She had made her selection and Brynn and I found costumes for them at Wal-mart on Sunday. I want to try and get some pics now that we have our costumes early while the leaves are still on the trees.

Post-church Sunday snuggles. 

Since this summer Brynn has wanted to dye the ends of her hair. We finally got around to checking into a good temporary option when we found the color she was looking for while we were at Wal-mart. So, we went for it last night.  I honestly have never colored my own hair at home or anything, so I wasn't sure how it was going to go, but it helped that we were only doing the bottom section.

The color is giving me mermaid vibes. She was pretty happy with it.


theweckerlys said…
Ahhh, love it all! Her hair turned out great! Reagan is on me to do hers now since we've had the dye for ages and haven't gotten to it. You'll have to let me know how long it takes to wash out. Love the orchard pics - what a fun outing. The van parade is awesome, so creative. And I love how Clara totes her little pets along with her.
shelly said…
I love Brynn's hair. Am I too old for that? Your orchard pics are pretty and looked fun. All that slime. Oh mylanta!

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