Photo credit goes to Clara for taking this pic of us playing Loaded Questions.
Clara finished up her latest session of swim class at Foss. She'll start up a new session in a couple of weeks.
Brynn was teaching Clara how to do the different yarn tricks of Jacob's ladder, cat's whiskers, etc.
I was testing some waffle cone recipes that we want to serve at an upcoming trade show for work, and Brynn jumped in to help me out.
One of Brynn's best friends lives close by us and they've already been back and forth between our house and theirs several times and had a sleepover. This friend has a younger sister who is 8 so she and Clara had a fun time playing together this past week too.
Brynn's leg painting from the sleepover.

Brynn's leg painting from the sleepover.
Brynn and I spied this owl on one of our walks. We thought he had the markings of a sloth!
Clara trying her darndest to climb trees on Saturday night.
Cheering Dad on poppin' wheelies.
Brynn sent me this cute pic of her late-night card game with Grandma at the lake. She spend the night there last night and came back home this evening.
Dana knew I had been wanting a fire pit or table or something to that effect for the deck, so he picked up this propane one off of Facebook Marketplace.
First day of outdoor worship at church today.
Our nanny Jenine starts well as tennis, track and Vacation Bible Xperience! Brynn is leading a K/1 group and Clara will try to make it to as much of VBX as she can with her other activities. She'll miss a soccer game tomorrow night, but Dana will still go to coach.
happy summer!