While we were waiting for that loose tooth of Brynn's to come out, she surprised us one day when she came home from school that a neighboring tooth had fallen out that day instead! (This was right before Easter.) So, the wait was still on for that original stubborn loose one. That one finally did come out this week now. She gets a little down from time to time because she doesn't like how she looks missing so many teeth, but we try to explain to her that all kids her age have been or are currently in the same situation. Growing up is hard! Then a couple of days after that second one fell out she said she knocked her knee against the other remaining front tooth (which was already loose) and that incident loosened it even further. She said it wasn't quite ready to come out yet, though.
On Daddy's birthday (Tuesday) Clara came home from daycare in a bit of a heap. She was running a low-grade fever and complained of her head and stomach hurting. The next morning she had a higher temp yet and so we called in the reinforcements: Grandma. Thankfully Grandma Holly hurried up here to stay with Clara so Dana and I didn't have to miss any work. She was still down and out Wednesday, but by Thursday morning her fever had broke and she was back to her silly self. Thanks again, Grandma!
Clara loves playing hair styling. Don't mind her dirty face..or the lack of clothing on Barbie. :-)
Clara was kind enough to help me with supper on Thursday. You can't really see it, but she is holding an onion slice up to her ear like a phone. She really does love to chat. Ha.
Tonight was a PTA-sponsored carnival at Brynn's school. It was so beautiful out today we all walked over from our house. Clara wanted very badly to go on the inflatables, but they were just so big for her. There were a lot kids there and Brynn was excited to chum around with her friends. She played some of the games and got her hair sprayed at the hair styling booth.
The biggest source of entertainment for the students and parents alike was this Wipe Out Games-to-Go game. It was so funny watching all the kids on it. When Clara and I caught back up with Brynn and Dana, Brynn was in line to have a go of it. We thought she did really well. I am positive I wouldn't have enough coordination for this. I was laughing so hard the video was a bit shaky.
Wipe Out Video
I commented to Dana that it was more like a circus rather than a carnival. ;-)
Brynn and Dana ran on home ahead of us. Clara was trying to catch up for a bit.
Playing with some of Brynn's prizes she won.