I think I had mentioned that we've hired Brynn to baby-sit Clara in the afternoons once she's done with her classes and school work for the day. She has been doing an excellent job and somehow even gets Clara to do her rest time every afternoon. She has been saving the money she's earning for a new phone. With the money she already had saved, together with payday, today she purchased the phone she had her eye on plus some accessories.
Clara always asks to do science projects, so Brynn set up some ideas she found in her science activities book one afternoon this past week.
I had caught wind of a virtual Harry Potter painting class through Winnipeg Fine Arts on Facebook (or something like that). So, Brynn took that in on Monday, beginning at 4:00 PM and the class ended at 7:00! I think they did have a 15 minute break in which she whisked upstairs to grab a sandwich for dinner.
It is a silhouette of Hogwarts. :-) She was pretty happy with how it turned out.
More art- it's us, in owl form. We look so cute.
I took a little snooze outside on the couch on our deck on Friday night.
Clara has been birding all of this past week. We made some binoculars for her (which she is convinced actually work) and printed out a ND backyard birds sheet so she could check off the ones she identified.
She's found a few so far. I thought we were going to go on a bike ride yesterday and look for some more, but we ended up doing something else instead. Maybe today.
Being silly yesterday. I'll have to get another picture of Dana's hair. Although the salons are open, he still hasn't made it in to get it cut. And he's been working on a beard, but said today he's getting pretty annoyed with it all.
Our Vacation Bible School through our church will be held virtually this year. We're pretty bummed, but did sign up to get the materials to do the activities and such from home. I am scheduled to back to working in the office on June 1st, so our summer nanny will probably start with us around that time. The girls' activities that they had scheduled for the first week in June were cancelled. We're hoping they'll be able to do the other things they were signed up for still, but we'll have to see how it goes. We're also waiting to hear about the pools being open this summer too.
Anyway, one of the HopeKids leaders asked us if we'd record a video for one of the snack time activities they were putting together for VBS. They'll be making graham cracker houses and were to do a video of the steps for putting it together. It turned out well, I think, and they each made an additional house when we were done. They're tasty too.
We got out our mitts, baseball and bat yesterday afternoon for some backyard baseball. I tried to say 'there's no crying in baseball,' but alas, as with almost any activity we're doing, someone gets upset for some reason or hurt. But, I think mostly we had fun. Shelly, if you're reading this and recognize your green mitt (on Brynn's hand), yes that is your old one. It's still going strong and nicely broken in. :-)