Clara wanted to make this bacon and egg cup for a second breakfast one morning. It was pretty easy and quick in the microwave. She's gotten really good at making her own scrambled eggs on the stove top and I think she realized that is the preferred method of cooking eggs. :-)
Clara had ordered this kit with her own money and couldn't wait for it to arrive in the mail so she could try it out.
Big sister helped and they've made quite a few matches of bath bombs already. It was nice that it came with enough supplies to do quite a few.
Brynn sent me this pic she had taken of the two of them with her phone. 💓💓
Brynn and I rode bike down to the orchard and took a path that goes along the river.
Dad got in on making bath bombs too. :-)
Clara asked me to take a picture of her tiered 'cake.' Looks delish.
Both girls love to swing. Especially since our city park playgrounds were closed until just recently, I was all the more grateful for our own backyard swing set. Plus, it's so convenient that they can just run out, barefoot, and swing to their heart's content anytime they want.
They call this the 'banana.'
On Saturday we spent the day at Grandpa and Grandma Froemming's lake and were able to check out all the updates they've done to the new cabin. It looks amazing.

The water was still pretty chilly...except by Clara's standards.
Of course we had to do s'mores!
Dana was happy to finally get a hair cut.
On Monday Brynn helped plant some trees around our landscaping.
That only lasted so long before she created a backyard obstacle course for us girls.
My parents stopped by for a visit on their way back from the lake on Monday. We corralled them into a game of baseball.
Bed lunch as my grandpa would call it. :-)
We finally put out Clara's bird feeders she and Brynn made. It's been a bit windy most days which caused all the seed to blow away. :-( We refilled, but haven't seen any birds perch on them yet, unfortunately.
Brynn ended up putting a plate of seed down under the deck and we noticed a blackbird happily partaking in her buffet.
Brynn made a dress-up store and was helping outfit Clara.
Lookin' good!
Making bracelets.
Reading a bedtime story to giraffe.
Beautiful sunset tonight.
I'll do a separate post for Brynn's last days of school and our start to summer. Cheers to summer vacay!