The girls got to go out to eat with Grandpa and Grandma when they went to stay at the lake recently. 

Clara also had her six-year check-up. She is quite healthy and although she is small for her age, still is growing how she should be. And has very good vision. She is beyond ecstatic now to be in a booster seat in the car.
I had this past Friday off of work which was also the last day of her swimming lessons at Island Park. She had told me that she met a friend in her class and that Alice's nanny knew Ryann (the girls' nanny). Small world. So, we had to snap a pic of them together.
She and Ryann had told me the day before that Clara didn't end up going off of the diving board that day because she wanted to save it and jump off when I was there watching her. :-)

Later in the afternoon we got packed up to spend a night out at Dead Lake as Christel and John were going to be out there as well. We snapped a quick family pic before going four-wheeling with Grandpa and Grandma.
It was nice and warm in the morning on Saturday, but then turned cool and no one wanted to get in the water...except Clara was the only brave one.
Christel and John stayed at our house last night. Clara made pancakes this morning.