I'm happy to report that the first day of school was a success!
Clara was pretty sleepy this morning, so I had to wake her up. (The whole getting on the school routine before school actual starts idea did not go as planned aka it didn't go at all.) They ate breakfast at home here and quickly finished getting ready in order to make sure we had time for pics, of course. We saw Clara's bus roll through the cul-de-sac, but we waved him on since I was planning on dropping the girls off for their first day.
Clara's school had given out t-shirts to all the kindergartners like Brynn's did when she was starting middle school last year.
First stop was Clara. The teachers were greeting the kids at their outside doors and parents with their children were naturally lining up and waiting for each student to be welcomed into the classroom before going next. Clara was so excited that she didn't seem hesitant or apprehensive at all. She just was trying to figure out where she was going and seemed a little unsure about that, but she'll get the hang of it in no time. And the staff are so great about helping the kindergartners.
I was pretty proud of myself that I only got a little teary and that was about it. I think it helped that Clara wasn't sad or worried or anything. After a quick pic with Mrs. Schneider, she disappeared right into the classroom.
Next up was Brynn which was pretty anticlimactic in comparison, but I was still glad to be able to drop her off.
Both girls' buses dropped off right on time, an hour apart. It was the most precious thing watching Clara come off the bus. She started waving to me before she even stepped off and then by the time she had run to me, she was giggling. :-)
She didn't have too much to tell me unless it was about her iPad that she got. She started charging it up right away and then taking a lot of videos and selfies. She did say she had a great first day and was really excited about how it went. Mrs. Schneider uploaded some pics from the day into the parent app which is always so fun to be able to get a glimpse of what they were up to.
I don't know if you can see it very well, but the teacher placed little photo cutouts of the other students who are on the opposing days as Clara's group. Ha! I love it. One of the boys' pictures who is in the front is one of Clara's friends from preschool. She was bummed that he was not there on the same days that she will be, but if they end up all together later in the year, then that would work out. (Clara is in the very back, left corner.)
If you've seen 'Toy Story 4,' you'll recognize Forky! I love it - they turned out so great and look just like the character from the movie.
They're able to do a really good job of social distancing on Brynn's bus as it was only her and one other high school boy! We thought maybe it was quieter today since it was the first day, so we'll see if she has many others on with her. She told me she sits up front so that she can visit with the driver. :-) She said he asked what she was up to all summer and how the first day went and all.
I was just soaking up everything they were telling me at dinner and am so happy they both had a great day. They both said kids did well with their masks from what they noticed and it wasn't too bad wearing them for that long either. Brynn likes her teachers and classes so far and already got her homework done from today.
We aren't sure what the next couple of days will look like for Brynn and logging on for classes or if it will be more like Clara's set up where you more so work on assignments.
A treat was in order for a successful first day, so we went out for Cold Stone.
Clara's mask cracks me up. :-)