We are in full summer break mode! Clara kicked it off by visiting the pool the first day it opened with Cora and Violet who kindly invited her to join them.
Izabell and Clara put together this epic summer bucket list of activities they want to do together. Looks like they have a great summer planned.
Dana and I hit up No Bull Smokehouse ahead of taking in 'Speed' at The Fargo Theater which was part of their 90's "Blast your face off" action movie series.
I love this movie and owned it on VHS and had the movie poster hanging in my room when I was a teenager.
Last week Clara attended VBX at church. The theme this year was Campfire Stories with a full summer camp set. She had a great time again.
Hanging out with Brynn while she was folding her laundry.
Brynn introduced Hubert to Black Coffee & Waffle Bar. So yum!
Last night she made some homemade peanut butter swirl brownies.
Dana and Clara got her pool set up last night so she is set to go with that. Clara and Izabell have been really busy checking things off their bucket list.
Brynn got a job working at Dry Goods in the mall. She's getting quite a few hours...perhaps more than she would like, but at least she'll be able to make better money rather than just working a couple of hours here and there.
We had cousin camp last weekend so I will work on getting that post up soon!