We had Brynn's tennis banquet and pot luck last week Tuesday. So many people and so much food! It was all so delicious and a nice program to celebrate the tennis season.
Then, what seemed like all of a sudden, it was the end of the school year.
Brynn's last official day of class was Tuesday as Wednesday and Thursday were designated as proficiency days to finish up any extra work in your classes and as an opportunity (aka last-ditch effort) to improve your final grade. You were required to attend any classes in which you were sitting at a D or an F. I'm happy to report Brynn didn't need to attend either of the proficiency days. Way to go on a great school year, Brynn!
Clara's last day was Thursday. Unfortunately she hasn't been feeling the best with a stomach ache for most of the week, and she was sad that the school year was ending, so I didn't get any pics of her after school.
Izabell will be back with us again to spend the summer with Clara. She's signed up for a pickleball day clinic, tennis lessons again and is returning to Foss for swim class.
Brynn hosted some friends on Saturday for a summer kick-off soiree of sorts. They had a fun time visiting, painting, and playing some tennis.
(From Davin's BeReal, so don't mind the sidewinder pic in the corner. ha)

Here's to a great summer! 🌞