Brynn and Clara dancing together on Sunday. I don't know if you can make it out on the video, but Brynn tells Clara, 'oh my sweetie pie. I love you.' :-)
Clara hanging around...
The girls both had dentist appointments on Monday. Clara did better than last time; she only cried for the first half. :-) She was happy as a clam once she was done and got to hang her fish on the net to celebrate being cavity-free. Unfortunately Brynn has a cavity that she'll need to get filled. She was pretty disappointed.
I don't recall if I had shared that Brynn was excited to pass level two in swimming lessons last session. She was ready to move on to level three and is loving it. She started using goggles now and that has really increased her confidence in the water.
Her class even took a try going off the diving board today. I was so proud of her. She seemed kind of apprehensive at first, but she followed through and said it was so much fun and it was like going through a water portal. Ha.
There goes another tooth! Last night the latest loose one she had and last of the front teeth was only half hanging on and really bothering her. The part that was still attached seemed pretty stuck on and not really ready to budge loose yet. Well, it must've loosened up because at Hope they posted a message in the parent app that Brynn had lost it. It actually fell out at school. I love that they were able to post the pic for us to see in there! I thought she looked so cute in this pic.
We were laughing that she looks like a vampire now.
And then this also happened today. Ugh, good-bye spring. :-(
Brynn working on a school writing project. They were assigned to write a 'fractured fairytale' (twist of a real fairy tale), about 25 sentences long, but they're supposed to type it up and e-mail it to their teacher. Brynn's is titled 'Kicking Beauty.'