Last week Brynn's class attended a concert at Concordia College.
Super Clara!
Clara will often get her stuffed animals or dolls and manipulate their hands to do things. Here she was having Roger help clean up her toys. Cracks me up. And tonight in the bath we had to have Barbie help rinse her hair.
Saturday morning Dad had been planning to go to the shooting range with one of his friends and ended up inviting Brynn to tag along as well. Friday they made a target holder together. Pretty fancy! Brynn showed me her target when she came back and she had done pretty well with the BB gun.
Meanwhile Clara and I stayed home and she made me this fantastic-looking ice cream cone.
In the afternoon our friends Amanda and Adria came over to play. The girls are sillier than ever together. It was so funny.
Brynn had gotten out her Maleficent costume from Halloween last year, so the girls had to try the horns on too.
Why, yes, that is our child trying to pull the horns off of her friend. :-/
Goodbyes are so hard! Ha. This was so cute. They kept trying to give kisses through the door. Clara just had her undies on and they were working their way in, so I added this black box over these next few pics. :-)
Brynn and one of her Sunday School classmates hanging up their project.